< 1 min read

Large charities continue to grow, according to the 27th annual study of the largest US charities; total revenue for the 100 largest charities totaled over $75B.

"The nation’s largest charities continued a steady if cautious recovery, with some ap­proaching pre-recession levels of revenue as public support tracked with giving estimates for 2014.

"The very largest organizations in The NPT 100 – the 27th annual study of the nation’s largest nonprofits by The NonProfit Times – maintained steady revenue increases but it was smaller, budding nonprofits that saw the biggest year-over-year growth. Still others were tentative in their recovery, paring programs that don’t make the grade on return on investment (ROI), or expanding further into nascent areas, such as online advertising or new special events."--Mark Hrywna, The Nonprofit Times

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