The London Independent buries lede: Real revelation is perceived "geographic shift," and that British are getting "prouder to say they do [philanthropy]".
"The Philanthropy Workshop, founded in 2000, trains 24 people each year. . . . When [Marcelle] Speller, who is 64 and does not have children, became rich, she asked her advisers to calculate how much – or little – she would need to survive 'if I fell under a bus and needed long-term care. . . . Then I realised how much I had left and thought, I want to give it all away and I don't want to wait until I'm 95.' She studied in spurts over nine months, including talks, meetings and discussions in London and New York, as well as Vietnam. The course inspired LocalGiving,com, a platform for small charities to receive donations into which she has ploughed £3m over the past six years. . . . [S]tudents come mostly from America, the home of philanthropy, but the latest intake included six Brits. It's a small, if growing, number but the school has also noticed a geographic shift in attitude to big money. 'In the UK, philanthropy is something people are now prouder to say they do.'..." -- Simon Usborne, the Independent