Emily Burden Rees

Emily Burden Rees is the Program Coordinator for the Fund for Academic Renewal (FAR), working with FAR’s Director and Program Manager to help higher education donors craft gifts with enduring impact. She supports the department with research and communications, managing FAR’s social media and digital presence, and producing The College Donor Quarterly. Emily is passionate about democracy and the role of education in creating a citizenry capable of democratic governance. She earned a B.M. in flute performance from Brigham Young University and has worked as a youth camp counselor, substitute teacher, livestreaming technician, and religious volunteer. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, languages, music, traveling and longboarding with her husband, and being active in her church. 

Giving is good for you, too

Charitable giving is certainly good for the beneficiary of that charity, but does it benefit the giver, too?

Americans’ Charitable Grit

American charitable giving persists through sluggish or recessive economies and surpasses preceding levels when the economy recovers.