You do no one any favors when you don’t invest in or understand hiring. Here’s what you need to avoid in order to hire better.
It’s no small task—and takes no small amount of trust—to hire an MGO. Here’s how to find a great fundraiser.
Personality testing can help your hiring process, but it can also obscure your decision.
Giver, Doers, & Thinkers discussed how nonprofit leaders can encourage their employees to be innovative and entrepreneurial in the workplace. It’s not just pay—and not just mission.
This economic downturn caught us all off guard. Nicole Rizkallah sat down with Jeremy Beer to discuss his new e-book, Fundraising When Times Are Bad, and his thoughts about fundraising through a pandemic and an economic downturn.
“People give to people” was a key theme in American Philanthropic’s master class on major-gifts fundraising.
The coronavirus pandemic has shot unemployment to record highs. The road to recovery may be difficult, and we’ll need civil society to guide us along this road.
Smart fundraising requires knowledge of the field, good judgment, and having the right tools and information at your disposal. Here are the reports you need—especially now—for development success.
Covering all of your bases and maintaining an effective staff is crucial right now. Here are some tips to keep your staff functioning well during the pandemic.
The COVID-19 crisis makes leading a nonprofit more difficult than ever. Here are some reflections and recommendations to help guide leaders through this crisis.