2 min read

Honor an excellent teacher at a local Christian school by nominating them for the Herzog Foundation’s 2023 Teacher of the Year Award.

The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation recently opened nominations for its Christian Teacher of the Year Award, an annual opportunity to honor Christian educators as part of the Herzog Foundation’s Excellence in Christian Education award series. Twelve teachers are selected from a robust nomination and application process to be recognized at the Teacher of the Year Awards Gala at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., on September 30th. In addition to the gala celebration, each teacher and their school receive a monetary gift. Nominations will be accepted until March 10th.

“Last year, nominations poured in from parents, students, colleagues, and friends, all eager to garner recognition for the Christian teachers they respect and admire,” said Herzog Foundation Chairman Todd Graves. “The sheer volume of nominations not only spoke to the teachers themselves, but also to the satisfaction levels that are found in Christian education. As Christian education continues to grow nationwide, we look forward to honoring the best educators that the field has to offer.”

The 2022 Teachers of the Year Award recipients hailed from 10 states: Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Texas, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, New York, Michigan, and Massachusetts. Each teacher’s school varied in size, ranging from 125 students enrolled to the 1,000 students enrolled at the largest school. The teachers’ years of experience varied as well. The most junior teacher award recipient in 2022 had taught for four years, and the most senior teacher had been teaching for over 20 years. 

Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:

  • Each nominee must be a K-12 teacher in a traditional Christian school, a hybrid Christian school, or a Christian micro-school.
  • Each teacher nominated must have served in K-12 Christian education for at least 1 year.
  • The nominee must have plans to continue teaching after receiving the award.
  • The teacher must have demonstrated excellence in promoting Christian education to students.
  • The teacher must be highly respected by students, parents, colleagues, and the community.
  • The school and teacher must align with the Herzog Foundation’s mission.

Christian teachers are truly changing the world and we want to give them the recognition they deserve. If you know an excellent Christian school teacher, please submit a nomination today!

About the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation

The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation is a charitable foundation dedicated to catalyzing and accelerating the development of quality Christ-centered K-12 education so that families and culture flourish.  

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