4 min read

Water Mission is saving millions by fulfilling Christ’s call to provide clean water to those without.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ 

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

—Matthew 25:35-40

Can access to clean water change the world? It is already doing so, addressing a global crisis while fulfilling one of Christianity’s most fundamental calls to action.

Water Mission has served over eight million people in 60 countries, carrying out the duty to “give drink to the thirsty” on a global scale. Their plan to provide sustainable, safe water solutions to everyone in need is more than just a humanitarian effort—it’s a living testament to faith in action.

The call to “give drink to the thirsty” resonates powerfully across the world, where more than two billion people lack access to safe water. The dearth of this fundamental necessity affects every aspect of their lives and puts them in peril each and every day.

As one example of the staggering cost of this crisis, women and girls collectively spend 200 million hours per day walking to get water, resulting in 443 million school days being missed annually. Water Mission's work is not just about providing a basic resource—it's about restoring dignity, opportunity, and hope.

Water Mission is saving lives by providing safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions through a comprehensive approach. Their customized water solutions, tailored to each community they serve, are a modern-day manifestation of Christ's call to give drink to the thirsty.

Faith Transforms the Lives of Millions

An engineering firm turned Christian ministry, Water Mission exists to help end the global water crisis in our lifetime. The founders felt compelled by faith and belief in the sanctity of life to brainstorm, develop, and implement innovative technologies and community development programs.

In the words the late Molly Greene, a Water Mission cofounder: “Without prayer, we wouldn’t just be lost—we would be amiss. Our vision is to see all people have access to safe water and an opportunity to experience God’s love. And our mission of ending the global water crisis—which affects 2.1 billion people—can seem insurmountable, but we face this work with the power of prayer.”

In 1998, Molly and George Greene's environmental engineering company in Charleston, South Carolina, responded to the devastation caused by Hurricane Mitch in Honduras. After searching for suitable water treatment systems and coming up empty, George and his team created their own, laying the foundation for what would become Water Mission. Upon arriving in Honduras, the Greenes were confronted with a shocking problem: a river so polluted it was dubbed the "River of Death" by locals who feared its toxic waters.

As their newly built water system became operational, the villagers remained hesitant to drink the purified water. In a powerful demonstration of trust and safety, Molly drank from the system herself, inspiring the villagers to do the same.

This transformative moment not only provided clean water to a community in need but also opened the Greenes' eyes to the water crisis affecting billions worldwide. Driven by the experience, they founded Water Mission in 2001, dedicating themselves to bringing safe, clean water to the thirsty.

Clean Water Saves Lives

While the need is daunting—829,000 people die every year due to water-related illnesses—Water Mission's impact since 2001 is impressive. With over 3,200 safe water and sanitation solutions built and 8 million people served worldwide, they’re making significant strides in addressing the global water crisis, turning the abstract concept of "giving drink to the thirsty" into tangible, life-saving action.

Water Mission doesn’t stop at tangible water, it also provides living water. In the refugee settlement of Bidibdi, Uganda, Water Mission equipped local church leaders to foster healing and reconciliation through trauma-healing workshops for refugees who had fled war and hunger.

These workshops created a space for people to process their pain, be heard, and take steps toward healing through God's grace. A Bidibidi resident shared a powerful testimony: "I was planning to leave the settlement and go back to South Sudan. I lost everything I had and could hardly care for the needs of my family. I want to thank Water Mission because now I have learned to forgive others and myself such that I can move on. . . . I know Christ is in charge of my situation.”

Community Involvement Transforms Water Access

Water Mission's success lies not just in their engineering expertise motivated by faith, but in their commitment to community partnership. This approach reflects the core relational nature of the corporal works of mercy. By involving local communities in its processes, Water Mission ensures that solutions are sustainable and embraced by those they serve—lasting long after Water Mission has left the area.

Community leaders are empowered with the knowledge, training, and resources needed to maintain safe water. More time for work and education, improved health, and increased productivity are just some of the benefits Water Mission provides. Giving drink to the thirsty has far-reaching effects, improving entire communities and opening doors to further acts of love and mercy. 

Water Mission Fills a Gap Worldwide

With more than 400 staff members working around the world in permanent country programs, Water Mission has a global reach. The vision of a world where all people have safe water and an opportunity to experience God's love drives their work, serving as a powerful example of how faith can motivate and shape humanitarian efforts.

Water Mission serves all people, regardless of age, gender, race, or faith, embodying the values of love, excellence, and integrity in every project they undertake. In their Charleston offices, the three faith pillars of their mission hang near the coffee pots. They serve as a reminder that this is not just a job but a calling in direct response to Christ’s command to care for those in need. I’ll leave you with these:

  1. Love (Mark 12:29-31, 1 Corinthians 13)
  2. Excellence (Colossians 3:23-24)
  3. Integrity (2 Corinthians 1:12, Psalms 41:12)

The Takeaway

There's a massive gap between those who have access to clean water and those who don't, and Water Mission is dedicated to bridging that gap, one community at a time, motivated by their love of Jesus Christ. In doing so, they're not just providing a basic necessity—they're inviting others to join in this vital mission and fulfilling a sacred duty given to us by Christ.

Learn more about Water Mission's efforts and how you can support their mission to end the global water crisis, embodying the timeless call to give drink to the thirsty.

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