< 1 min read

Moneywatch looks at Chronicle list, says "the super-rich skimping" because total wealth increased 17% but charitable giving only increased 4%.

"On the one hand, the country's biggest donors are giving more money to charities as the economy stabilizes. Last year, the biggest 50 donors gave a massive $7.7 billion in charitable gifts. The bad news? That represents an increase of just 4 percent from 2012, at a time when the mega-rich are witnessing huge gains in their net worths. Total wealth for Forbes' 2013 billionaires' list jumped 17 percent from the previous year, reaching $5.4 trillion. While it's commendable that the wealthy are donating more, their proportional lag in giving illustrates the challenges facing nonprofits." -- Aimee Picchi, CBS.com

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