< 1 min read

Fraternities and Sororities have philanthropic and service components for their members, but when it is primarily self-serving, it should not be called service.

"Disclaimers aside, the subject of Greek philanthropy is difficult to analyze and discuss. Philanthropy’s Greek roots etymologically mean ‘love to mankind.” But what does this love look like in practice and on a daily basis? What does this feel like to the recipient or giver of that love? Are Greek students the only students on campus to value philanthropy and engage in it? Do non-Greek independent students also participate in philanthropy? To lay this question to rest, my answer is “Yes, of course non-Greek students who are independent or who are members of other organizations participate in philanthropy.” Whether other students publicize their acts of love at the same magnitude or with the same desire for visibility is another question.

"The recent reclassification for SLPro’s “volunteerism” suggests that certain philanthropic events have been historically abused or used by Greek organizations for self-benefit rather than to assist those who are truly in need (e.g., classifying crawfish boils as philanthropic events in order to get organized student seating at football games)."--Erin Mosley, The Crimson White

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