< 1 min read

Everyone's heard of applying business principles to philanthropy, but what about government principles? Michael Bloomberg starts his next life chapter.

"Now the man who flirted with a presidential run has one last aspiration: mayor of the world. Mr. Bloomberg, 72, has vowed to give away his $32.8 billion fortune before he dies. In doing so, he hopes to sharply reduce high smoking rates in Turkey, Indonesia and other countries; bring down obesity levels in Mexico; reduce traffic in Rio de Janeiro (and Istanbul); improve road safety in India and Kenya; prevent deaths at childbirth to mothers in Tanzania; and organize cities worldwide to become more environmentally friendly and efficient in delivering services. His vehicle to achieve all of this is Bloomberg Philanthropies, a foundation that he started in 2006 and that now employs about 30 people with programs in 95 countries." -- Landon Thomas Jr., the New York Times

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