< 1 min read

Howard Husock is concerned that Obama sees no difference between mortgage interest and charity deductions: one "distorts", the other assists.

"The White House is certainly right that the  small minority of Americans who itemize their tax returns can take advantage of such deductions. But [Obama] is profoundly wrong to conflate the deduction for mortgage interest with that for charity. In doing so, the President, in an apparent zeal to increase taxes on the wealthy at all costs, sees no difference between one deduction (mortgage interest) that distorts our housing market  and favors the interest of specific interests (such as homebuilders), and another which provides revenue for organizations ranging from homeless shelters to universities. Or, put more simply, the White House mistakes a policy which allows someone to help himself to a bigger house with one which provides a modest incentive for helping others." -- Howard Husock, Forbes

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