Idea behind new program: Not every senior needs discounted admission perks; what if there was a way to donate the price difference to needy?
"Three dollars can go a long way. Moviegoers 65 and older who bought tickets at the Bainbridge Cinemas or the Bainbridge Performing Arts center in Bainbridge Island, Wash., could pay full price for their ticket and have the $3 senior discount redirected to a local charity that provides child care to low-income families. The program, called the Boomerang Giving project, raised $630 in a two-month trial this year.... The intent of the charity is to encourage older people in a financial position to forgo discounts they receive on public transportation, movies, restaurants and other outlets to invest in their community by donating, or redirecting, some or all of the savings to charities of their choice. 'Many seniors do need their discounts, but not all do,' said Mr. Harrison. 'Why not let someone else benefit from that "found" money?'" -- Kerry Hannon, the New York Times