< 1 min read

Introducing our effort to provide independent analysis of and commentary about philanthropy and giving.

The landscape of online platforms featuring timely, independent analysis and commentary about philanthropic giving is becoming noticeably more crowded. We think this is a good and healthy thing.

Vox’s interesting new section Future Perfect promises to continue to cover philanthropy quite well, for example. “We’re trying to figure out the best ways to do good, and that means critically scrutinizing what existing institutions are doing,” according to an introductory piece about Future Perfect by Vox senior correspondent Dylan Mathews.

Inside Philanthropy had already brought and is bringing much more attention to bear on large-scale philanthropy by foundations and individuals. The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s opinion section and Nonprofit Quarterly, of course, have long addressed grantmaking news and issues, including regularly online—as does Philanthropy News Digest, a service of Candid. And HistPhil has been offering academically informed pieces on the history of the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors.

Again, we think this is all great. In furtherance of Philanthropy Daily’s mission, we at The Giving Review sort of want in on it. We three co-editors think we have what is essentially an underrepresented worldview in this important discourse. With our substantial practical philanthropic experience—and hopefully, wisdom—we are modestly trying to join Philanthropy Daily in bringing another worldview engagingly to bear on some of the discussion about issues in philanthropy and giving.

The Giving Review’s “Current” section offers commentary on the news of the day. Its “Opinion” section features essays, ideas, and reflections on giving. “Reviews” looks at noteworthy, books, reports, and research on giving. “Conversations” presents interviews of prominent figures in the philanthrosphere. And “Collections” compiles notable past contributions on various philanthropic themes.

The Giving Review is a joint project of Philanthropy Daily and the Center for Strategic Giving at the Capital Research Center.

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