Despite Ayn Rand's dim view of charity, her work and ideas receive generous funding:
"Today, with record infusions of philanthropic cash—and amid a surge in the closely related ideology of libertarianism—objectivism is going strong...
While she didn’t oppose charity outright, Rand’s worldview denounces altruism as a primary virtue. A life spent helping others, she argued, demeans both the giver and the receiver.
Rand’s provocative views have drawn scorn for decades. Both her books and her philosophy are regularly attacked for everything from elitism to misogyny, from deifying the rich to just not making much sense at all. Pushing against this are Rand’s acolytes and true believers, a group associated with the political right and with libertarianism in particular.
As might be expected, Ayn Rand fans include many successful Americans who are only too happy to help spread her ideas. While some of us encounter her in the bookstore, at the library, or in casual conversation, there are two main nonprofits out there promoting Rand: the Ayn Rand Institute and the Atlas Society. Meanwhile, there have also been extensive activities on colleges campuses to promote Ayn Rand's ideas."