tax reform text on calculator on desk, business concept
tax reform text on calculator on desk, business concept
Let’s Not Be Uncharitable with TCJA Extensions 

As policymakers negotiate tax reform, they must steer away from undermining charitable giving.

American flag with a wooden cross symbol of the blessed American nation.
New Year’s Resolutions for Civil Society: Faith and Freedom Index  

Napa Legal’s new Index helps leaders of faith-based nonprofits evaluate whether a state will advance or inhibit their ability to fulfill their mission.

Nominations Open for Philanthropy Roundtable’s 2025 Simon-DeVos Prize

Nominations are now open for the Simon-Devos Prize for Philanthropic Leadership to honor a living philanthropist who has shown exemplary leadership.

Building an (Un)Generous City

The layout of modern cities is stifling generosity. What did European city planners of old get right?


Giving is good for you, too

Charitable giving is certainly good for the beneficiary of that charity, but does it benefit the giver, too?

Brother, Can You Spare an ROI?

Obsession with numbers and metrics does the philanthropist—and his grantee—no favors.

Latest Articles

Charitable Giving Isn’t Driven by Wealth, but by Engagement with Scripture

A recent report finds that engaging with Scripture and giving charitably are central to human flourishing.

Fundraising Lessons from the Inauguration

It’s the simple stories that stick, and the big ones that inspire.

The Devastation of a Generation

In a 2021 episode of the Givers, Doers, & Thinkers podcast, Jeremy Beer and Jonathan Haidt discuss the effects of the coddling of Generation Z. Four years later, where do we stand?

Chicago’s Cemetery of Philanthropists

Graceland Cemetery and the Getty tomb remind us of the responsibility the living bear to the dead—and to our democratic inheritance.

The Paralysis of Perfection: Why Overthinking is Hurting Your Fundraising

That appeal is better imperfect than late.

A Review of "The Greatest Gift"

Sean and Jill Maher’s newly published book lays out nine principles for building a philanthropic family and creating a legacy of giving.