< 1 min read

Dear Readers:

It is time for a change here at Philanthropy Daily. As your faithful managing editor for the past six years, I am writing to let you know I am leaving PD to re-immerse myself in the philanthropic world. I have enjoyed my time at PD and learned so much. After a youth spent in the nonprofit trenches, working at PD and reading about the innovations (good and bad) and trends (mostly bad) in philanthropy was fascinating. And I am thankful for all you readers who joined me on this journey.

I am leaving PD to join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix as Grants Manager. If you are ever in town, or ever curious to learn more about the largest SVdP council in the world and all the ways in which it serves 1.5 million people per year, I would be happy to regale you, even with (gasp!) metrics. I am excited to raise money to help my local St. Vincent de Paul council with its mission to Feed, Clothe, House, and Heal our neighbors in need.

My last day at PD will be Friday, July 31. Starting next week, your new managing editor will be Bill Haley. Bill comes to us from the world of charter schools and classical education. I am sure, as a born educator, he will have some ideas that will reinvigorate PD as it moves into its next phase. I am excited to see what develops.

Thanks again for your eyes, ears, and emails.

Philanthropically yours, Kara

2 thoughts on “A letter to our readers”

  1. Scott Walter says:

    Dear Kara,

    Kudos on all your good work at PhilanthropyDaily, and best wishes in your exciting new position. I hope you’ll write the occasional report for PhilDaily on it!

  2. Linda Bricker says:

    Ms. Beer,
    I am sorry that you are moving on. I’m wary of other publications in your field. Philanthropy Daily was a bit of fresh air. I don’t know who funds the publication, Inside Philanthropy. An organization, Opportunity Network, wrote on a web page that they “created Inside Philanthropy”. The webpage had linked logos that led to funding sources like Pearson and State Farm. Whether Opportunity Network’s entity, is coincidentally, a similar name to the well-known publication, I don’t know. Another publication, Non Profit Quarterly lists the Hewlett Foundation as one funder, a name often associated with a certain type of philanthropy.
    To me, it’s troubling that the new managing editor of Daily is from charter schools. Charter school debt returns 18%, in interest payments to Wall Street. The corruption, self-dealing and poor performance of Ohio charter and on-line schools has been well-documented in newspapers, like the Akron Beacon Journal. Their political sway with politicians in Columbus is an abomination. It has colored my perception of the industry.
    We all hope the 4th estate is independent and has the public’s best interest at heart. The line between journalist and PR is, sadly, blurring.
    Best wishes in your new job.

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