Alice Nye

You published an Op-Ed. Now what?

How to go about leveraging your op-ed to garner support.

Elevator doors indicating that you should craft a compelling donor pitch that catches potential funders' interest.
You have one shot to unlock funding

Making the most of the chance to secure funding for your cause, with inspiration from Eminem.

Potential donor saying no to a fundraiser
Learn to love “No”

When it comes to fundraising, don’t take that first “no” for answer.

Helicopter flying over city skyline, representing helicopter boss
Are you a Helicopter Boss?

By taking a step back and letting your employees choose how they work best, you’ll multiply your organization’s impact tenfold.

Getting real about foundation fundraising

In a recent webinar, AmPhil experts reminded us that foundations are run by people, not robots. Focus on building relationships, not inputting data.