< 1 min read

The digital platforms allow for classical philanthrolocalism to thrive by giving to local needs; crowdfunding is being used in the Yakima Valley to help with healthcare costs.

"Not coincidentally for an agricultural area, helping a neighbor in need has always been part of the Central Washington ethos. In the cities, towns and on the farms, people have been quick to lend a hand to somebody who needs it. The modern-day technological revolution has not changed that mindset; in fact, technology enables people not only to help, but to share stories about their struggles.

"While the Affordable Care Act has expanded access to millions of people around the country, it doesn’t cover all costs that a patient may encounter when treating a condition. Out-of-pocket expenses easily can run into the thousands of dollars, which puts a real strain on people living in areas like the Yakima Valley, where incomes lag behind those of the rest of the state."--Yakima Herald and Republic Editorial Board, YakimaHerald.com

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