< 1 min read

NextAfter invites you to participate in a new online fundraising benchmark survey. This survey will create a new online fundraising benchmark report to help you see how your online fundraising compares and where you can improve.

Effective fundraising relies not on guesswork and anecdote, but on strategy, planning, and data.

As the area of online fundraising grows, so many organizations are casting into the void, trying their best to grow their online revenue and reach new audiences. There’s some data out there—you may have found it in a panicked Google search (when do I send an e-blast? How many EOY emails should I send?)—but it’s rarely nuanced or segmented by organizational size and scope.

To fill that void, the NextAfter Institute—a leading research and training organization for online fundraising—is launching an online fundraising benchmark survey.

Through data retrieved from hundreds of nonprofit organizations, NextAfter will create a flagship online fundraising benchmark report that will let you see how your efforts are performing compared to similar organizations.

NextAfter invites you to help create this new benchmark report by participating in their 15 minute online survey. We hope you can make the time so that all of us in the nonprofit sphere can leverage their findings and insights in our fundraising efforts!

Of course, no survey comes without benefits! When you complete the online fundraising benchmark survey, you’ll get free access to an online fundraising optimization course and be enrolled to win a free ticket to the 2020 Nonprofit Innovation & Optimization Summit.

You can learn more and take the survey at https://www.nextafter.com/2020-online-fundraising-benchmark-survey/

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