< 1 min read

As summer winds down, we take today to enjoy the spoils of civil society and remember those whose labor built this nation.

Summer comes to a close around the country today with picnics and parades and 5K races. Families and communities gather around food, festivity, and family as offices close and workers rest.

To the readers of Philanthropy Daily committed to strengthening civil society, fostering a thriving philanthropic sector, and serving others through their work: thank you.

These civic holidays are important days of rest not only for individuals, but for the opportunity they provide for friends and family to enjoy the spoils of civil society as they rest and spend time together. Labor Day in particular is an occasion not only to rest, but to remember those whose hard work built this great nation where we find our homes and identities—even as we join our labor with theirs in the work that lies ahead. 

Happy Labor Day!

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