The pandemic has encouraged foundations to adopt new “grantee-friendly” processes. These should stick around after the pandemic. The first in a two-part series.
I have often thought that my work as a fundraiser is not altogether different from my efforts as a backyard gardener. In both cases, I toil, persistently and thoughtfully, toward an outcome that is largely out of my hands.
Bear markets are a great time to make important investments in your organization’s growth. Here are some thoughts on how to invest in your greatest asset—people.
Foundations and philanthropists should be focused on the most effective, local forms of giving in order to provide relief during this national health and economic crisis.
Cande de Leon and Scott Bucko join us to discuss Catholic parish fundraising and how mission-first fundraising can help mitigate a church’s financial risk.
For our final webinar, Andrew McIndoe, vice president of development at The Heritage Foundation, and Nicole Rizkallah, consultant and recruiter at American Philanthropic, discuss development staff and personnel.
Smart fundraising requires knowledge of the field, good judgment, and having the right tools and information at your disposal. Here are the reports you need—especially now—for development success.
Churches are facing both the current health and economic crisis, as well as a preceding “crisis of relevance.” Executing their mission will depend upon good strategy and good fundraising.
Covering all of your bases and maintaining an effective staff is crucial right now. Here are some tips to keep your staff functioning well during the pandemic.
The COVID-19 crisis makes leading a nonprofit more difficult than ever. Here are some reflections and recommendations to help guide leaders through this crisis.