
F grade indicating that major donors are unhappy
Mealy-mouthed universities are facing megadonor flight

In the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks, megadonors are ditching universities in droves—and showing it’s high time for a reckoning with progressive political capture of higher education.

2024 calendar representing monthly giving to nonprofits
Monthly giving will help your nonprofit weather 2024 (and beyond)

A recent study from Giving USA indicates choppy fundraising waters ahead, but a strong monthly giving program can provide the sense of belonging your donors are looking for.

Diminishing piles of dollar coins representing decrease in charitable giving in 2023
Looking to 2024: Giving USA 2023 shows what you’re up against

A recent study shows that, since its pandemic peak, charitable giving has fallen—and competition for donations has grown. What does this mean for your nonprofit in the new year?

A stronger center and more robust civil society

The Center for Civil Society has a new website and a renewed commitment to helping nonprofit fundraisers strengthen civil society.

Cat looking askance at gift like fundraisers are wary of asking for planned gifts
An uneasy fundraiser’s plan for planned giving

Are you scared to bring up planned giving with donors? Instead of putting it off for now (or forever), get started talking to donors about estate gifts.

Person wonders whether to make phone call to donor
How often should you communicate with your donors?

When in doubt, keep reaching out! Repetition is a powerful tool for getting through to your donors and convincing them to give.

Child standing with father removed from family
Fathers are responsible for America’s decline

The decline in faith in America and the rise in loneliness can both be traced back to fathers—or the lack thereof.

One person reaching out to agree on women's rights
Is the middle ground too far for “visionary” funders?

The Independent Women’s Forum is uniting right and left in a bipartisan fight for women’s fundamental rights that’s still somehow controversial.

Cheering fans representing nonprofit donors
Donor engagement: building a community of raving fans and lifelong advocates

By cultivating a sense of belonging and emotional investment in your donors, you can build a community that will stick with your nonprofit through thick and thin.

Helicopter flying over city skyline, representing helicopter boss
Are you a Helicopter Boss?

By taking a step back and letting your employees choose how they work best, you’ll multiply your organization’s impact tenfold.